Thursday, February 12, 2009


If you haven't yet, you should check out my solo work, Hectapus, unless you don't like songs without drums. I've added three new songs as of late.

I'm also working on a musical project as Hectapus with some folks on a forum called Doom Forever, Forever Doomed. We are collaborating and putting together some tracks for an album. It is likely going to be primarly drone, although we are trying to make it a little more diverse. The intent is for us to be done with it by the end of February.

As for this very moment, I'm listening to a peculiar but awesome band called It's a Lunken. Check 'em out!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Let the notes speak

Upon several attempts to write something worth reading, I'm stumped....

So put on one of your favorite albums, listen through some headphones (unless your speakers are better), take your favorite (safe) substance, if that's what you're into, and LISTEN........

What are your thoughts?